2024 Commencement

Commencement Highlights

The Class of 2024 graduated in the 101st commencement of the University of Connecticut School of Law. The featured speaker was Stephen Bright, a capital defense lawyer who has argued and won four death penalty cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and serves as the Harvey L. Karp Visiting Lecturer in Law at Yale Law School. Guliko Matcharashvili spoke on behalf of the LLM graduates, Gretchen Yelmini on behalf of JD graduates in the Evening Division, and Olaleye Onikuyide on behalf of JD graduates in the Day Division.
Watch the full ceremony | Read the article.

Full Ceremony and Speaker Videos

Full Ceremony

Dean Eboni S. Nelson

Stephen Bright

Guliko Matcharashvili ’24

Gretchen Yelmini ’24

Olaleye Onikuyide ’24


See hundreds more candid photos of the 2024 commencement on Flickr. Graduates who have not received proofs of their portraits via email should contact Flash Photography via its website at flashphotography.com/contact or by phone at (888) 325-3930.

Flickr Photo Gallery